
郭江峰 教授




作为负责人主持国家重点研发计划课题、欧盟地平线2020科技人才项目、国家自然科学基金项目、国家两机专项等十余项课题,作为主要技术骨干参与国家973计划、国家重点研发计划、中科院先导专项等多项重要项目。发表学术论文100余篇,其中以第1/通讯作者发表SCI期刊论文70多篇,JCR排名Q1区期刊论文占比80%以上,总被引频次超过2200余次。连续多年入选美国斯坦福大学发布的“世界前2%顶级科学家”(world’s Top2% scientists)年度和终身科学影响力双榜单。参与编写两部英文学术著作(分别由德国Springer和美国IGI Global出版)。申请/授权国家发明专利10多项。还曾获全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名、中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖、欧盟玛丽居里学者、中国100篇最具影响优秀国内学术论文等。被邀请担任多个国际重要学术会议(HEFAT-ATE 2022ICSPC2024)行或技术委员会等。被邀请担任国际SCI期刊Frontiers in Energy Research》的Associate Editor、《Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer》期刊编委和《Carbon Neutrality》期刊青年编委等,以及多个国际SCI期刊的Guest Editor等。



个人主页:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jiangfeng-Guo (ResearchGate)

https://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/gjf1200 (科学网)


  1. 传热强化理论与节能技术

  2. 超临界流体传热与流动特性

  3. 高效紧凑式换热器研发

  4. 新型热力系统分析及优化

  5. 太阳能分光谱利用

  6. 氢能换热技术


  1. 国家重点研发计划课题,低品位热能高效回收与利用技术及装置研发,所属专项:煤炭清洁高效利用和新型节能技术,20168月至20219月,课题负责人

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,超临界CO2回热器耦合换热特性及优化设计方法研究,20171月至202012月,项目负责人

  3. European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmeCoupled heat transfer and thermodynamic optimization of supercritical CO2 heat exchangers20216月至20235月,项目负责人

  4. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,基于ADS系统的液态铅铋和氦气换热不可逆性分析及热力学优化,20131月至201512月,项目负责人

  5. 国家两机重大专项基础研究,湿空气透平冷却和湿空气回热器性能预测研究,所属项目:湿化燃气轮机循环技术基础研究,20188月至20237月,课题负责人

  6. 中国科学院国防创新基金项目,zz回热器关键技术研究,20168月至20207月,项目负责人

  7. 中国科学院,青年创新促进会人才计划,20141月至201712月,项目负责人

  8. 所地合作项目,超临界二氧化碳透平发电用换热器研发,201712月至201912月,项目负责人

  9. 中科院工程热物理研究所创新引导基金项目,舰用燃机间冷器研发,20176月至201812月,项目负责人

  10. 南京未来能源系统研究院,先进高效紧凑式换热器技术研发,20201月至202112月,项目负责人

  11. 国家重点研发计划项目,超高参数高效二氧化碳燃煤发电基础理论与关键技术研究,20177月至 20216月,参与


  1. 欧盟玛丽居里学者,欧盟委员会,2021

  2. 中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖,中国科学院,2015

  3. 全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名,国务院学位委员会、教育部,2014

  4. 北京青年优秀科技论文奖,北京市科协,2016

  5. 世界前2%顶级科学家”(world’s Top2% Scientists)年度和终身影响力双榜单,202120222023

  6. 中国100篇最具影响优秀国内学术论文,中国科技信息研究所,2013

  7. 国际埃尼奖(Eni Award)提名,Eni Award组委会,2017/2016

  8. 《中国科学:技术科学》优秀审稿人,期刊编委会,2018

  9. 《工程热物理学报》突出贡献者,期刊编委会,2018/2019

  10. 中国科学院青年创新促进会人才计划,中国科学院,2014

  11. 中科院工程热物理所攀登人才计划,中科院工程热物理所,2019

  12. 领跑者5000-中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文,中国科技信息研究所,2012

  13. 山东大学优秀博士学位论文山东大学,2012

  14. 山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果奖,山东省科技厅、教育厅,2011


  1. 强化换热的方法. CN: CN110779378B

  2. 一种印刷电路板换热器入口分流处结构. CN: CN108180779A

  3. 带有流线形肋结构的换热板及包含其的印刷电路板换热器. CN: CN107687780A

  4. 用于印刷电路板换热器的换热板. CN: CN107024134A

  5. 一种换热板和气体 液体换热器. CN: CN106931821A

  6. 一种用于太阳能直接蒸发系统的相变蓄热装置. CN: CN105157251A

  7. 一种太阳能直接蒸汽发生系统的模拟装置及方法. CN: CN105136506A

  8. 基于热化学储能的电蓄热锅炉、供能系统及方法. CN: CN109855306A

  9. 一种测量超临界CO2回热器和冷却器性能的装置和方法. CN: CN107314567A

  10. 一种高温液态金属两级冷却设备和方法. CN: CN105825900A

  11. 一种正反旋向交替的间断内插式螺旋翅片强化换热管. CN: CN104864760A

  12. 一种液态金属与高压气体流动换热装置及方法. CN: CN104599727A

  13. 一种高温液态金属流量在线标定装置. CN: CN102721452A

  14. 一种应用于液态铅铋合金实验回路的预热器. CN: CN102635933A

  15. 一种微通道热沉及微通道热沉性能测试装置. CN: CN102620590A


  1. J. Guo*, X. Huai, Maximizing Electric Power through Spectral-Splitting Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric Hybrid System Integrated with Radiative Cooling, Advanced Science (2023) 2206575.

  2. Z. Han, J. Guo*, X. Huai, Theoretical analysis of a novel PCHE with enhanced rib structures for high-power supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle system based on solar energy, Energy 270 (2023) 126928.

  3. J. Guo*, J. Song, S. Narayan, K.S. Pervunin, C.N. Markides, Numerical investigation of the thermal-hydraulic performance of horizontal supercritical CO2 flows with half-wall heat-flux conditions, Energy 264 (2023) 125845.

  4. J. Guo*, Maximizing uninterrupted solar electricity in spectral-splitting photovoltaic-thermal systems integrated with CO2 battery, Journal of Energy Storage 66 (2023) 107402.

  5. Z. Han, J. Guo*, J. Chen, X. Huai, Experimental and numerical investigations on thermal-hydraulic characteristics of supercritical CO2 flows in printed circuit heat exchangers, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 194 (2023) 108573.

  6. Z. Han, X. Cui, J. Guo*, H. Zhang, J. Zhou, K. Cheng, H. Zhang X. Huai, Experimental and numerical studies on the thermal-hydraulic performance of a novel airfoil fins printed circuit heat exchanger, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 217 (2023) 124655.

  7. X. Liu, J. Guo*, Z. Han, K. Cheng, X. Huai, Studies on thermal-hydraulic characteristics of supercritical CO2 flows with non-uniform heat flux in a tubular solar receiver, Renewable Energy 201 (2022) 291-304.

  8. Z. Han, J. Guo*, H. Liao, Z. Zhang, X. Huai, Numerical investigation on the thermal-hydraulic performance of supercritical CO2 in a modified airfoil fins heat exchanger, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 187 (2022) 105643.

  9. J. Guo*, J. Song, Y. Zhao, K.S. Pervunin, C.N. Markides, Thermo-hydraulic performance of heated vertical flows of supercritical CO2, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 199 (2022) 123437.

  10. J. Guo*, J. Song, Z. Han, K.S. Pervunin, C.N. Markides, Investigation of the thermohydraulic characteristics of vertical supercritical CO2 flows at cooling conditions, Energy 256 (2022) 124628.

  11. J. Chen, J. Guo*, X. Li, X. Huai, K. Cheng, Thermal-hydraulic performance of mist/compressed humid air two-phase flow in an airfoil channel recuperator, Applied Thermal Engineering 201 (2022) 117802.

  12. H. Zhang, J. Guo*, X. Cui, J. Zhou, X. Huai, H. Zhang, K. Cheng, Z. Han, Experimental and numerical investigations of thermal-hydraulic characteristics in a novel airfoil fin heat exchanger, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 175 (2021) 121333.

  13. Z. Han, J. Guo*, H. Zhang, J. Chen, X. Huai, X. Cui, Experimental and numerical studies on novel airfoil fins heat exchanger in flue gas heat recovery system, Applied Thermal Engineering 192 (2021) 116939. (JCR分区: Q1)

  14. Z. Han, J. Guo*, X. Huai, Optimization method of a novel airfoil fin heat exchanger based on the entransy dissipation theory, SCIENTIA SINICA Technologica 51(10) (2021) 1219-1230.

  15. J. Chen, J. Guo*, X. Li, X. Huai, K. Cheng, H. Zhang, Z. Han, Thermal-hydraulic performance of compressed humid air flowing in a recuperator, Applied Thermal Engineering 188 (2021).

  16. H. Zhang, J. Guo*, X. Cui, X. Huai, Performance analysis of supercritical pressure CO2 in several enhanced tubes with non-uniform heat flux, Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115823.

  17. H. Zhang, J. Guo*, X. Cui, X. Huai, Heat transfer performance of supercritical pressure CO2 in a non-uniformly heated horizontal tube, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 155 (2020) 119748.

  18. H. Zhang, J. Guo*, X. Huai, X. Cui, K. Cheng, Buoyancy effects on coupled heat transfer of supercritical pressure CO2 in horizontal semicircular channels, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 134 (2019) 437-449.

  19. H. Zhang, J. Guo*, X. Huai, X. Cui, Thermodynamic performance analysis of supercritical pressure CO2 in tubes, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 146 (2019) 106102.

  20. H. Zhang, J. Guo*, X. Huai, K. Cheng, X. Cui, Studies on the thermal-hydraulic performance of zigzag channel with supercritical pressure CO2, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 148 (2019) 104-115.

  21. J. Guo*, M. Xiang, H. Zhang, X. Huai, K. Cheng, X. Cui, Thermal-hydraulic characteristics of supercritical pressure CO2 in vertical tubes under cooling and heating conditions, Energy 170 (2019) 1067-1081.

  22. J. Guo*, X. Cui, H. Zhang, X. Huai, K. Cheng, Performance analysis of heat exchanger for fluids with variable properties, Energy Procedia 158 (2019) 5724-5734.

  23. J. Guo*, X. Cui, X. Huai, K. Cheng, H. Zhang, The coordination distribution analysis on the series schemes of heat exchanger system, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 129 (2019) 37-46.

  24. X. Cui, H. Zhang, J. Guo*, X. Huai, M. Xu, Analysis of two-stage waste heat recovery based on natural gas-fired boiler, International Journal of Energy Research 43 (2019) 8898– 8912.

  25. X. Cui, M. Xiang, J. Guo*, X. Huai, H. Zhang, K. Cheng, Analysis of coupled heat transfer of supercritical CO2 from the viewpoint of distribution coordination, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 152 (2019) 104560.

  26. X. Cui, J. Guo*, X. Huai, H. Zhang, K. Cheng, J. Zhou, Numerical investigations on serpentine channel for supercritical CO2 recuperator, Energy 172 (2019) 517-530.

  27. J. Guo*, X. Huai, K. Cheng, X. Cui, H. Zhang, The effects of nonuniform inlet fluid conditions on crossflow heat exchanger, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 120 (2018) 807-817.

  28. J. Guo*, X. Huai, K. Cheng, The comparative analysis on thermal storage systems for solar power with direct steam generation, Renewable Energy 115 (2018) 217-225.

  29. X. Cui, J. Guo*, X. Huai, K. Cheng, H. Zhang, M. Xiang, Numerical study on novel airfoil fins for printed circuit heat exchanger using supercritical CO2, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 121 (2018) 354-366.

  30. M. Xiang, J. Guo*, X. Huai, X. Cui, Thermal analysis of supercritical pressure CO2 in horizontal tubes under cooling condition, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 130 (2017) 389-398.

  31. J. Guo*, X. Huai, Coordination analysis of cross-flow heat exchanger under high variations in thermodynamic properties, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 113 (2017) 935-942.

  32. J. Guo*, X. Huai, Performance Analysis of Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer 139(6) (2017) 061801.

  33. J. Guo*, X. Huai, Z. Liu, Performance investigation of parabolic trough solar receiver, Applied Thermal Engineering 95 (2016) 357-364.

  34. J. Guo*, X. Huai, The heat transfer mechanism study of three-tank latent heat storage system based on entransy theory, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 97 (2016) 191-200.

  35. J. Guo*, X. Huai, Numerical investigation of helically coiled tube from the viewpoint of field synergy principle, Applied Thermal Engineering 98 (2016) 137-143.

  36. J. Guo*, X. Huai, Numerical investigation of helically coiled tube from the viewpoint of field synergy principle, Applied Thermal Engineering 98 (2016) 137-143.

  37. J. Guo*, X. Huai, Multi-parameter optimization design of parabolic trough solar receiver, Applied Thermal Engineering 98 (2016) 73-79.

  38. J. Guo*, Design analysis of supercritical carbon dioxide recuperator, Applied Energy 164 (2016) 21-27.

  39. J. Guo, X. Huai, M. Xu, Thermodynamic analysis of an isopropanol–acetone–hydrogen chemical heat pump, International Journal of Energy Research 39(1) (2015) 140-146.

  40. J. Guo, X. Huai*, M. Xu, Study on Isopropanol–Acetone–Hydrogen chemical heat pump of storage type, Solar Energy 110(0) (2014) 684-690.

